
Social Media is a relatively new channel, which is used extensively by individuals and businesses. It is the go-to medium for the latest news, trends and information on a vast number of topics. Such is the impact of Social Media that some businesses are using it to aggressively market and promote their products, solutions and […]

For small business owners looking to gain through local advertising, Google has launched an adwords express few years back. To make this program more users friendly, Google adwords express team keep including new features. If you are a small business and want advertise through Google adwords, this tool can be your best companion. This new […]

Updates: 12th August, 2014   Final Call In this article I have explained how to migrate your PLA to Google shopping campaign manually. If you still did not upgrade the PLA campaign, don’t worry! Google adwords has just launched a tool that will automatically migrate your Product listing ads campaign to Shopping campaign. You can check […]

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