Flipkart is India’s #1 retail merchandising platform with around 44% market share which attracts sellers from all different categories to sell their products. As per the recent news Flipkart is expecting to boost its GVM to $10 billion by March 2016 and as rightly put forward by Mr. Mukesh Banal, the head of commerce at the company, “There is not a shred of doubt based on all the market numbers we have today.”
Collaborating with Flipkart at this point of time seems to be the best way to reach out to the Indian demographics. For sellers to increase their sales and make their product more visible, Flipkart has recently launched Product Listing Ads (PLAs) – a more intrusive way to advertise products. This feature is however available on just the Android platform as of now but is soon to make its presence felt in others.
In this article, i will describe all amazing features and benefits of this PLA that will help you to start your first PLA campaign directly from your Flipkart dashboard. Before i discuss more about Flipkart PLA, it is more important to learn about product listing ads.
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ToggleWhat is PLA?
As far as i know, the first product listing ads was launched by Google adwords in November 2010. It opened a vast window of opportunity for all types of eCommerce advertisers by providing unique type of advertisement that brings more engagement and conversions. Over the past few years, PLA’s is growing rapidly and other platforms has also started adapting this technique enhance the experience of their sellers. It’s already a huge phenomenon for sellers that are looking to advertise their products aggressively.
When a user searches for specific merchandise using a set of keywords, PLAs take over and display the best match along with an image and price. The below screenshot depict the search result from Google organic search displaying ads through product listing ads:
Flipkart being the biggest eCommerce merchandising platform in India, introduced product listing ads for their seller in May 2015. It’s no wonder that sellers would receive a great opportunity through PLA. For the sellers who are already into Flipkart PLA, their advertised products show up in the top slots like the 4th, 14th, 20th, 24th, 30th and so on. Here is the brief introduction of Flipkart PLA:
The advantages of Flipkart PLA
Flipkart PLA mostly works on similar model as other PLA but the main advantage i found is; fair opportunity for all sellers. Yes, FlipKart PLA does not have bidding model and as a result, all sellers advertising similar products will get equal opportunity to showcase the ads with fix CPC cost defined by Flipkart based on category of products. Apart from this, Flipkart product listing ads also offers various unique advantage explained below:
- A higher visibility of your product and increase in “product views”
- A “Buy” button for the advertised product, facilitating immediate conversion
- Display of ads only to targeted customers searching for items relevant to your category
- An improved product ranking and a higher general ranking for your brand
- Detailed report of ads performance in your seller dashboard
Checkout below screenshot from Android device depict the product listing ads from seller selling Bingo U8 smartwatch.
Flipkart only charges for the actions and not for the number of impressions you get on your advertise product. So, basically, you are paying charges only when you are able to make a sale through the Flipkart PLA.
Where does OLBUZ fit into this?
Being Google adwords partner agency, we understand that PLA can be a great opportunity and asset for any seller looking for a more product visibility and conversions. It is very easy to setting up a Flipkart PLA campaign but to optimize the campaign to get better ROI; require lot of work in:
- Competitive product research
- Landing page optimization / improvement
- Performance analysis and improvement
- Utilization of data in right manner
Are few of them.
The process revolves around understanding and implementing the right PLA campaign at right time to get positive ROI for the products you are promoting. OLBUZ would help Flipkart sellers with:
- Creating an effective / optimized PLA campaign for listed products
- Monitor, analyze, edit and update PLA campaigns for better results
- Competitive pricing and product catalog improvement recommendation
- Flipkart PLA performance reporting on regular bases
What you pay for all this?
As already said, Flipkart would only charge you for the actions and not the impressions that you achieve on your products. A click would cost you between INR 0.50 and INR 1.50, depending on the product category. For mobile and laptop category, it would cost you INR 6.00 and INR 3.00 accordingly for each action. When you create a campaign, the balance would be adjusted from your Flipkart COD.
Getting OLBUZ setting up your campaign will cost you an additional depending upon the number of products you want to promote. This quote will be discussed after studying your requirement and will be charged directly from OLBUZ. It’s certainly not much, given the size of the market and the newer opportunities you are going to receive on the Flipkart platform. Undoubtedly, sellers can hope to increase their sales exponentially, depending upon the product category they are engaged with.
If you are looking to seek this opportunity, get in touch with OLBUZ and we do the rest.
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Jignesh Gohel
Jignesh Gohel is a Founder and Digital Marketing head at OLBUZ (Google Premier Partner Agency 2023, 2024) and India's leading travel portal TheIndia. With over 18 years of experience in digital marketing Jignesh has helped many large, medium and small businesses to grow multi-fold.
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